Hard Hats and Harder Lessons: Mastering the Art of Productive Failure in Construction

Discover how Crewscope’s innovative approach to goal-setting and performance-based incentives in construction can boost motivation and productivity. Learn strategies to help crews ‘fail well’ and turn challenges into opportunities for growth, incorporating principles from Agile methodologies to foster a culture of continuous improvement on construction sites.

Frontline Creativity in Construction

Productive workers installing pipe

Discover how leveraging creativity in frontline construction workers can boost productivity. Delving into S.M.A.R.T. goals, the importance of crew buy-in, and real-life examples, we explore how fostering trust and motivation can lead to innovative solutions on the job site. Unlock the potential of your team and move beyond outdated management paradigms.

Keep Construction Projects on Schedule with Weekly Goal Setting

If you’re in construction, you know the importance of keeping projects on schedule. Construction jobs are bid at a fixed cost with a projected schedule, so any delays will reduce the profitability of the project, if not make it unprofitable. Having your construction crews set weekly goals is one of the most effective ways to […]

Unlocking The Potential Of Your Crew

Worker Productivity in construction industry can be improved by communicating, recognizing and motivating which helps improve their engagement.

Get In Touch To Arrange Your Personalized Crewscope Demo. Speak With An Expert About Goal-Setting, Crew Productivity, And Company Culture.